Thursday, November 17, 2016


Conclusive Evidence
By Thomas Winship
(Post 45/47)

A squabble over the earth's age lately broke out between Lord Kelvin, styled by Earl Salisbury, "the greatest of living scientists," and a Professor Perry, who disputed the infallibility of his chief. The scientific lord, formerly William Thomson, assumed, or as usual supposed, that the earth is a "homogeneous body," cooling at a fixed and uniform rate; therefore, that its age is somewhere between 20 millions and 400 million years. However, the lordly dictator having published his supposition, larded over with mystical mathematics, also in words of thundering sound, what multitudes of simpletons will now gulp down the bolus without ever asking for the evidence so wholly wanting. Now, is a university professor so blind as not to see the enormous difference between 20 millions and 400 millions—viz., 380 millions, to count which at the rate of 60 per minute, 12 hours daily, would occupy 24 years of a man's life? Then, why call the vast continents making up the land or earth a body, seeing that they have neither head, legs, nor any such members; and why a body any more than a soul? But, if by earth is meant all the oceans and continents rolled together into an astronomer's imaginary globe, land being solid and ocean fluid, where is the homogeneity? En passant, this misuse of the words body and earth are but specimens of the wholesale verbal jugglery practised by scientists to cause mental confusion and darkness. Moreover the Glasgow professor to make the earth's age what he pleases has only to assume the rate of cooling accordingly. Yet the 400 million years being too paltry a period for the evolution fable, Professor Perry rejects the supposition of cooling, and assumes that the earth's centre is now in a highly molten state, and with as much confidence as if he had been down in the infernal regions making a personal inspection, whilst Lord Kelvin assumes a familiarity with the earth's primeval conditions as if he had witnessed the Creation.

Is not the fabulous chronology after all like the ocean-land-globe, a mere heirloom of ancient heathendom? The Japanese and Chinese to make chronology square with their abominable Buddhism suppose 3 million years for the earth's duration, the Hindoos for Brahminism 6 millions; and now Professor Thomson, to please the atheistic evolutionists, is even willing to grant 4,000 million years as the greater limit, thereby confessing a blunder of 3,600 millions!

Further, the scientists can see nothing to admire beyond or above what they call nature, that is, the visible Creation, which by their assumption is its own Creator—having had an eternity of ages to evolve sun, moon, stars, oceans, and continents out of an imaginary fiery gas—a god unaccounted for; life out of death; order, beauty, light out of darkness and chaos; many thousand kinds of plants out of granite; thousands of kinds of beasts, birds, fishes, insects, out of cabbages, trees, &c., and man out of no one knows which kind of monkey! Still this goddess Nature is confessed to be as helpless as the puppet of a Punch and Judy show, being entirely dependent on mythical laws which act with an energy too omnipotent for Nature to resist, and she is pulled, whirled, tossed, evolved, exploded. Just as these mythical laws please. Again, the laws themselves are under a necessity of operating according to rules, fixed how, why or when, no one knows; yea, unchangeable, at least, since tadpoles grew out of cabbages to father our ancestral apes, gorillas, or baboons. But whence the INVOLUTION that must have PRECEDED the EVOLUTION is another nut too hard for scientists to crack!

Is it hard with such cunning fables to deceive the multitudes so debased by the lying stories and abominable idle gossip of newspapers and like literature? And though foolish editors may jest at Moses, yet the Pentateuch (Law of Moses, first five books of the Old Testament: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy;—Jesus quoted exclusively from the Greek Old Testament—the Septuagint, also called the LXX.) still stands the oldest historical monument, so well authenticated and so full of unassailable internal evidence—so plainly endorsed by Jesus, whose well-attested Christhood no lover of truth can deny. With the date of Creation given in Genesis, as well as the Patriarch's ages, along with periods of time given by the sacred Hebrew historians following Moses, we may calculate down to the first year of Cyrus, where we are assisted by Josephus and Greek historians, thereafter by an unbroken chain of literature down to the present year, eclipse and transit cycles confirming all. Hence we know that about 6,000 years ago, God said, "Let there be," and there was.

In Dr. Dick's "Natural History" we have a specimen of the Geological method of calculating. He supposes, of course without any proof whatever, that God did not make the bed of the Niagara, but that that river cut for itself the passage of six miles below the falls; and further supposing the Niagara to cut one foot yearly, he concludes it must have been so working for 31,000 years, but if it cuts, as others suppose, one inch yearly, we have more than 300,000 years as the present or quaternary period. Next he supposes, still without proof, that the underlying systems, the tertiary, secondary, primary, primordial rocks, represent as many antecedent periods of time. So, the quaternary being 500 feet thick, and the tertiary 3,000 feet, we have six times 31,000 years or six times 300,000 years to add for the earth's duration. Again, the thickness of the secondary rocks being 15,000 feet their period must be 30 times that of the present; whilst the thickness of the primary is three times, and that of the primordial five times that of the secondary. Therefore, the earth's age is somewhere between 8½ millions and about 100 million years; without taking into account the unknown period of the igneous rocks. However, we know from Genesis 1 that God made all things in six days, all the rocks on the third day, in strata according to Job xxviii. 5; therefore, granting the Niagara to cut one inch yearly it must since the creation have worn away only 6,000 inches or 500 feet.

Accordingly, shall we compute the earth's age by the vague and contradictory guesses of fellow worms called geologists, or by the authority of the Creator Himself?

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Polonium halos in granite, discovered in the 1960's. Proves earth is only several thousand years young!
Polonium has a fleeting existence. An exceedingly large number of halos are embedded in granites.
Trapped. Possible only if granite was created instantly, by God.




  1. How long did it take to carve the Grand Canyon? How long did it take for the continents to drift apart, not just once but many times, so that where there were forests there are now deserts with fossilized fuel way under ground. How long till flat earthers realize that their idiotic assumptions are the stupidest things since humans developed brains.

    1. No such thing as continental drift or plate tectonics. In the video embedded on this page (above) you can learn all you like about coal, crude oil and young earth.

  2. But darn if there isn't some U-238 left in those polonium holes to await another millennia before giving up it's BETA energy to create another HALO..,

    Still no comprehension of isotope decay and mathematical meaning of HALF LIVES.

    1. You say "if" which means you have no proof of what you suggest. The question is how do you get granite with the abundance of halos already in place, when "slow cooling" of granite precludes the existence of any halos. In fact, granite itself cannot be reconstituted from a molten state. Fiat creation is the only logical and scientific conclusion.
